5 Signs Your Nervous System Needs Some Love

Stress is not always bad. Some stress fuels us to get ourselves out of danger. But if you are stuck in survival mode, your body will suffer. If your nervous system is dysregulated or out of balance, it causes issues throughout the entire body. There are nerves located in every organ that control most of our bodily functions, including digestion, breathing, the rate at which our hearts beat and more.

If we go through chronic stress for many months, or even years, our nervous system is running on survival mode mode. Leaving us feeling overstimulated and worn out. So how do you know if your nervous system is out of balance? Here are some signs that you may need to give a little (or a lot) bit of love to your nerves.

The Signs

  1. You are constantly overwhelmed. You can’t keep up with all of life’s twists and turns and you may feel constantly on edge worrying about the next issue to come. This leads to difficulty relaxing. And it’s difficult for your nervous system to rest if you’re constantly thinking or worrying about the next thing or about your to do list that looks like a CVS receipt.

  2. You are irritable a lot of the time. A sign that you’re not able to manage your emotional stress well is constantly feeling like you are about to snap. The smallest inconvenience can cause an intense reaction because there is an immense amount of pressure built up inside of you. It is very difficult to control the way that you react to situations.

  3. You have random aches and pains that get worse when experiencing higher levels of stress or pressure. Chronic stress and even trauma can lead to chronic pain and leave you susceptible to illness. Excessive levels of sympathetic arousal for long periods of time can cause physical discomfort like muscle tension. My neck area in particular gets so tense and stiff when I am stressed for a long period of time. I can’t tell you how many comments and noises I’ve heard from massage therapists about my back and shoulders especially lmao

  4. Your sleep is shit. You lay down for 6 to 8 hours a night but you don’t feel rested in the morning at all. If your nervous system is dysregulated, your adrenaline levels can still be elevated at night to keep you protected for if something were to happen while you were sleeping. So sleep is not restorative because you aren’t getting into that deep rest.

  5. Your appetite is all over the place. You’re either hungry all the time or have trouble eating at all. Your bodies’ stress hormones play a big role in appetite and even cravings.

If you are experiencing some or all of these signs, try some things that allow you to fully relax. On a consistent basis. Nourishing your nervous system is one of the best things that you can do for yourself. Your nervous system has such a big impact on your overall health. From our mood to even how our bodies store fat. Control stress and to learn how to truly rest. Take care of yourself. Love on yourself. Your nervous system will thank you.



Lipski, E. (2000). Digestive wellness. Keats Publishing.

Dr. Libby Weaver!


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