you may be living in survival mode but you don’t have to stay there…

I am a true Taurus woman. I love luxury, style, food, self-care, and especially being immersed in nature. I am 30 something and feel like I am just discovering life for the first time. Like most women, I spent most of my life focusing on the needs and wants of others before my own. I was working as a pharmacist and I thought that I was doing everything right until my world slowly started to crumble. I started to experience deteriorating physical and mental health due to chronic stress and continuous cycles of burnout. I knew I had to change something.

So I changed the trajectory of my life by infusing mindfulness and other holistic practices into my every day life. That is where my interest in holistic living peaked. But what does that even mean? Holistic living is a way of living life by looking at all parts of self and incorporates the mind, body and soul. This will be unique to each individual person. Taking a holistic approach to wellness is more about doing a few yoga classes or eating kale; it’s about taking it deeper and caring for your mental and spiritual health as well. When we care for all parts of ourselves, we create a more fulfilling and balanced life.

I want to share my journey with the world while inspiring and educating others to take the time to care for themselves wholly before reaching the point of burnout like I did. I did it so you don’t have to! These simple practices and lifestyle changes have cultivated a confidence I have been searching and longing for. Become the person who you’ve been destined to be and make space for a new phase of your life. Survival mode and chronic stress ends here and a life of vitality and endless possibilities starts now!