Why You Should Be Oil Pulling… And How To Do It

I will be 100% honest and say that oil pulling had to grow on me. I did not like the feel of swishing oil around my mouth. Especially for an extended period of time. And listen. My mouth used to get TIRED lol But by doing this in the morning, my oral hygiene, and even some other aspects of my health, have greatly improved.

So… What Is It?

Oil pulling is an ancient, yet powerful detoxifying Ayurvedic technique. You swish oil around in the mouth while the antibacterial properties of the oil draw out bacteria and fungus, helping to reduce inflammation. My favorite thing about oil pulling is that it is one of the simplest things that you can do to take care of your health. It is also pretty inexpensive, depending on the type of oil that you choose.

The Good Stuff

Oil pulling has the ability to purify the entire system. How? According to Ayurveda, each section of the tongue is connected to a different organ in the body, such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, small intestines, and even spine. Oil pulling has claims to cure around 30 different systemic diseases that range from migraines to diabetes, and even asthma.

This traditional Indian folk remedy works to prevent tooth decay, gingivitis, dryness of the mouth, to strengthen the teeth gums and the jaw and so much more. Oil pulling is traditionally done with sesame oil and the sesame plant has been considered a gift of nature to mankind for its bountiful nutritional qualities. You can also use unrefined coconut oil.

To make it a bit more palatable for me personally and add some extra umph, I like to add essential oils. Essential oils possess some pretty potent antibacterial and anti fungal properties and they can be used to elevate your oil pulling experience. Essential oils also absorb into the oral mucosa, so your body will savor the benefits. My favorite essential oils to use are clove, lemon or peppermint.

How Do I Do It?

  1. Before you start, you want to make sure that the oil that you are using is unrefined and pure. And you’ll want to do this first thing in the morning before you brush your teeth. I usually do it right after I tongue scrape.

  2. Gently swish around 1 tablespoon of oil in your mouth and between your teeth starting at five minutes and working your way up to 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure that you don’t swallow the oil!

  3. Spit the oil into the trash (not the sink because it will clog up the pipes) and then gargle with warm salt water and then brush your teeth as normal!

If you have never tried oil pulling before, try it out! It not only is helpful for our mouth but helps to promote overall health. And it is very simple.




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