It’s Electric!!

Grounding or earthing refers to bringing the body into contact with the Earth. Back in the day, we walked around barefoot most of the time or used shoes and bedding made from animal skins that had become immersed in body or ground moisture. This allowed for the transfer of Earth’s electrons into our bodies, which are bioelectrical. 

Modern lifestyle has put a barrier between us and the Earth with rubber soled shoes-instead of leather-that are insulated and floors that absorb the Earth’s electrons before we can. So what exactly do we need these electrons for?


We are bioelectrical beings and our heart, brain, and even immune systems are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. The Earth’s surface has a limitless and [continuously renewed] supply of free electrons. Studies suggest that the Earth’s electrons can create a stable internal bioelectrical environment for the normal functioning of all body systems. 

There are many benefits to grounding including reduced inflammation and pain due to electrons’ ability to neutralize reactive oxygen species involved in body’s immune and inflammatory responses. Grounding rapidly reduces inflammation as electron transfer seems to be the foundation of all antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity and the Earth is the most abundant supplier.

That’s not it, though. Improved blood flow due to the negative charge on the red blood cells pushing them apart. Reduced stress due to regulation of cortisol secretion. Better sleep due to reduced inflammation and pain. Improved energy due to improvement in day/night cortisol rhythm, and mood due to all benefits combined, and better response to injury and accelerated wound healing. Better wound healing can be from reduced inflammation and improved circulation. 


There are some surprising benefits in there, right?! I was not expecting those when I was doing my research. Outdoor barefoot contact is recommended 30 to 40 minutes daily and as much as I love being outside, that’s a lot. Also, it may be raining, snowing, too cold outside, etc. So there are these things called “Earthing shoes” that work via a little copper button implanted into the soles of the shoes OR a sole made of natural materials such as leather that reduces insulation from the electromagnetic field of the Earth.

When we restore our connection to Mother Earth, amazing things happen. Get outside!


Sinatra, Stephen & Oschman, James & Chevalier, Gaetan & Sinatra, Drew. (2017). Electric Nutrition: The Surprising Health and Healing Benefits of Biological Grounding (Earthing). Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 23. 8-16. 

Chevalier, G., Sinatra, S. T., Oschman, J. L., Sokal, K., & Sokal, P. (2012). Earthing: health implications of reconnecting the human body to the Earth's surface electrons. Journal of environmental and public health2012, 291541.


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