When I initially got into yoga, I thought it was about perfecting the postures and moving your body and certain ways. I never really knew the meaning or the purpose behind the poses. I thought it was fun and a good way to stretch and move my body.  But then I noticed something.

Every time I practiced yoga somehow my mind was quieter and I had a feeling of inner calmness that I did not have before I got onto the mat. After I went a little deeper and learned about the energy of subtle bodies and meridian lines, I felt something so deeply that moved within me. I signed up for a yoga certification and absolutely I loved it. I learned that yoga is a lot more than contorting your body into different shapes, it was about creating a connection with yourself and going deeper to calm the mind and release physical tension in the body.

First, A Little History

The roots of yoga begin in ancient India well over 5000 years ago. The practice of yoga integrates caring for our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual bodies.

The word Yoga originates from the Sanskrit root “yuj” which means to bind or join. When we work to cater to and integrate the various aspects of our being, we can better come to a state of union with higher self. Yoga can also work to calm the nervous system to create a sense of inner peace.

The Benefits

Yoga will benefit anyone who is willing to commit to the practice. It has advantages for the physical body like increased flexibility, stronger muscles and can improve balance as well as posture. Mentally, you can benefit from reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced focus and emotional stability. Ultimately, you will develop a deeper connection with oneself and that is the true intent of yoga practice.

Integrating Yoga into Your Daily Routine

Starting a yoga practice doesn’t have to be extremely difficult. You can start with a few basic poses a few minutes a day and gradually work your way to longer sessions. Set aside a time for you to practice every single day, even if it’s only for a few minutes.  Also, you don’t need super fancy equipment just a mat and some rolled up blankets if you don’t have blocks and a belt if you don’t have a strap.

Remember, this is a time for you to care for yourself and create a deeper connection within. Create the space for you to lean into the practice. You are worth it!


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