CBD & Your Skin

If you are looking to have a nice spa day at home, you reach for scrubs, oils, or a soothing face mask. You may be surprised that you can also use cannabis flower for beautiful skin! Our skin loves cannabis and the results speak for themselves. Let’s talk about it.

Cannabis used topically comes in many forms. Creams, lip balms, oils, salves, and more. When applied topically, you benefit from the advantages of cannabis without intoxication because it does not cross the blood brain barrier to the brain. When you introduce cannabis into your skincare routine, it will elevate your self care experience... as well as your skin’s overall health.


When I speak about cannabis in relation to skincare, I am talking specifically about CBD as THC doesn’t penetrate the skin well. CBD has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Our skin has its own endocannabinoid system which binds to receptors and regulates different functions such as the turnover of skin cells and death, inflammation, and more. There are 3 specific areas I want to focus on so keep reading to see CBD in action!


Acne breakouts can be frustrating, humiliating, and cause long term scarring which can in turn affect one’s self-esteem. I remember being in high school and having acne so bad that I would cry in school. Treatments can be expensive and cause irritation and even cause complications such as fetal death (Accutane). Acne has multiple root causes and CBD can help with those.


Studies have shown that CBD can help to regulate hormones involved in oil production to help keep sebum in balance, reduce the inflammation that can worsen acne, and promote a healthy and balanced skin ECS.


I’m sure you’ve heard the term “free radicals” before in skincare or even natural care in general. But what are they, really? Free radicals are oxygen atoms that deprive electrons from healthy proteins, DNA, and cell membranes in our bodies. This leads to oxidation and to give you a visual, rust is a product of oxidation. In our bodies, oxidation can disrupt normal processes and lead to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and accelerate aging in our skin. So where does CBD fit in to this?


CBD is a powerful antioxidant which helps to fight the free radicals that lead up to skin aging. Also, CBD has moisturizing properties that combat dryness and maintain the suppleness of the skin.



Stimulation of the receptors in the skin via CBD application lead to potent anti-inflammatory properties. Rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis are all conditions that can be caused by inflammation in the skin. CBD’s ability to control inflammation can help to control or decrease rosacea flare ups without the expensive creams. The irritation and inflammation caused by eczema and psoriasis are controlled by CBD when it comes into contact with the receptors in the skin.

The Bottom Line

CBD is a popular gal right now with it being marketed for many things, even in the beauty industry. Rightfully so, its benefits are powerful. From acne in younger adults to anti-aging products for younger and older adults, it’s a big deal.

When you’re looking for products, make sure the CBD contained in said product is organic and lab tested to ensure the safety and start with a small amount before you slather it on to make sure that you don’t have a reaction to it. Test a small area of skin and gradually increase. CBD can be a valuable addition to your skincare regimen. Who would’ve thought?!


Singal, M. (2020). The cbd skincare solution: The power of cannabidiol for healthy skin. Llewellyn Publications.

Burstein, S. (2015). Cannabidiol (cbd) and its analogs: A review of their effects on inflammation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23(7), 1377–1385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bmc.2015.01.059


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