5 Steps To Clear Stagnant Energy in Your Home (And Why You Should Do It)

One day I randomly had the strongest urge to declutter my home space. And I just had this nagging, heavy feeling until I got up and started getting rid of things that I no longer needed. My home was starting to feel like it had an overwhelming amount of heavy energy that I needed to purge. Things in life seemed like they were at a standstill. My space was starting to feel less peaceful. But once I decluttered my space, the energy lightened up. So let’s discuss how to clear sluggish energy in your home to make space for renewed energy and abundance.

How Does It Feel?

First, we’re going to start with answering some questions. Look round each room and take inventory of the things in your home. How does your space make you feel? When you are at home, do you feel calm and at peace or unsettled? Which items no longer serve you but you have an emotional attachment to? Take your answers to these questions into consideration while you’re going through each room.

Sacred Space

Do you have closets or drawers where you hoard random items that you don’t know what to do with? Probably. I had several and am actually still working to clear a couple. But I want you to remember something. Your space is sacred. Every single thing that you have inside of your home contributes to the energy that flows throughout not only your space, but also your life. So we should always have things in our homes that contribute to the energy that we want to receive while keeping our space free of clutter and the old, stagnant energy that comes with it.

The Power of Decluttering

Decluttering your space is a powerful tool in the world of feng shui. According to the teachings of feng shui, your environment not only reflects your energy but also affects your abundance. So if you have clutter all over your home, imagine that there is immovable energy that is stuck (and it doesn’t matter if the clutter is tucked away or in plain sight). If you feel like any particular area of your home depletes your energy, get connected to your space and make the appropriate adjustments to align your space with how you want to ultimately feel.

Expel Negative Energy

When you have energy that is fixed inside your home, there is no space for it to maneuver and flow. The energy feels thick and heavy. If you have a strong emotional bond to the items creating clutter, this can further contribute to the heavy energy of your home. You want the energy in your space to flow gracefully and with ease. When you get rid of items that no longer serve you, you get rid of physical and emotional baggage that can weigh you down and disrupt this flow of energy. I'll give you an example. My kitchen felt all over the place and slightly jumbled so it kept me from wanting to cook meals to nourish myself. Being in the kitchen felt suffocating and overwhelming. Once I cleared the blockages, I felt like cooking more meals in my space.

The Steps To Take

Here are 5 steps to clear stagnant energy in the home:

Step 1: Set an intention for your space. How do you want to feel when you are in your home? Consider each room of the house.

Step 2: To prevent getting overwhelmed, start with one room at a time. Take the time to reflect on each item in every drawer and closet and be deeply honest with yourself. Do you truly need or even want this item? Does it contribute to positive or heavy energy? This step took the absolute longest time lol I realized I had a lot of emotional attachments to things I no longer resonated with. Which leads me to the next step.

Step 3: Make various piles for things you want to donate, keep, recycle, or trash. As you go through your items, you can put them directly into the piles. This made the process a bit more seamless for me, personally. Make sure to give the items that you keep their own space and keep surfaces clear and void of clutter. There may be empty spots that make you nervous but this is perfect. Now that there are clear spaces, stagnant energy can be released and it makes room for new energy and opportunities to flow into your life.

Step 4: After you have decluttered each room to your liking, make sure every item in the space contributes to the energy that you want to receive. What functions do these items serve in your life?

Step 5: If you want, you can also smudge your space with either sage or Palo Santo to cleanse negative energy.

Now that you have all the steps, use them to raise the vibrations of your home! Comment how this went for you if you try!


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